Thursday, January 30, 2014

Born of the Gods - Green Review

116 Archetype of Endurance

Worst Archetype by far.  It costs way too much and actually does way too little.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 1.0

117 Aspect of Hydra

Generally the construced mono green devotion decks are doing way bigger cooler things than using a one shot pump spell.  In limited this card will have the chance to shine.  Any more than +2/+2 is pure bonus.  Green did not have a one mana trick in Theros, so keep an eye open when the opponent leaves a lone forest untapped.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.5

118 Charging Badger

In a world where you want to create a bigger monster trample is always a good way to keep them from being chump blocked.  Play this guy if you have ordeals and lots of bestow.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.0

119 Courser of Kruphix

Courser does not let you play an ADDITIONAL land per turn like Oracle of Mul Daya.  That being said it should let you basically draw a card every  few turns, with the draw back of your opponent knowing every card you draw.  Courser is a good card in both limited and standard. 

Standard – 2.5
Limited – 3.0

120 Culling Mark

There are better more reliable options for killing a creature.  If you cast this and attack with more than one guy they get to choose who to block, sometimes that might not be enough to remove their threat.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 1.0

121 Fated Intervention

Six power for five mana is an ok investment, being instant speed is slightly better.  I think this is probably just worse than Advent of the Worms in standard.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 3.0

122 Graverobber Spider

Another solid card that gets way better if you are in the G/B graveyard deck.  Giant Spiders are always playable, ones with bonus abilities are even more so.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.5

123 Hero of Leina Tower

Hero of Leina Tower has a lot going on.  A one drop that in a heroic build is maybe even better late in the game than early.  She has the chance to be really big from time to time.  Is at least worth exploring.  In limited I just want to slam an Aqueous Form on this with lots of mana open.

Standard – 2.5
Limited – 3.0

124 Hunter’s Prowess

With a big enough creature built up, this card might just end the game on the spot, your opponent will be faced with letting you draw a lot of cards or block away their team.  I am not convinced that this is strong enough for constructed play, but I could be wrong.

Standard – 1.5
Limited – 3.5

125 Karametra’s Favor

Mana fixing is a premium in the world  of Theros.   This will enable all sorts of greedy green decks. 

Standard – 1.0
Limited  - 2.5

126 Mischief and Mayhem

Sorcery speed combat tricks are generally not that good.  But giving two creatures +4/+4 seems worth giving a try. Lets a lowly Voyaging Satyr take down even the mightiest Nessian Asp.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 3.0

127 Mortal’s Resolve

I know this looks sweet but it feels pretty small.  I just do not know if this will make the cut of many decks.  It might see some standard play to occasionally counter a removal spell.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 1.5

128 Nessian Demlock

Now this is a tough choice for an opponent.  Sometimes they will have to protect something good and give you a 6/6 and hope they can deal with it.  Or they let you blow up one of their extra lands.  Still seems fine.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.5

129 Nessian Wilds Ravager

Pretty sure that if you’re in green you should always play this Hydra.  Neither choice is going to be good for the opponent and I wouldn’t be unhappy with either side of this Tribute.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 3.5

130 Noble Quarry

I think that this is the little unicorn that could….could always make my deck.  I really like a good lure effect.  You can either send him in and swing with a bunch of guys to kill them, or bestow up a big creature and go for a one sided Wrath of God. 

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.5

131 Nyxborn Wolf

If this was a 3/2 I would like it a whole lot more.  As it is I think that it might be a little over costed in the bestow department.  Will be better in decks with fliers.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.0

132 Peregrination

It is a ramp spell, those have histories of making their ways into standard.  I do not think that scry 1 is worth the entire mana that makes this not Cultivate.

Standard – 1.5
Limited – 2.0

133 Pheres-Band Raiders

Pheres-Band Raiders is an Inspire card that enables itself basically.  5/5s are made to be attacking if he lives through the battle you get to cast a Nessian Courser.   Not a bad deal at all.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.5

134 Pheres-Band Tromper

Tromper seems like he will be quite fine in Theros limited, after just a couple of successful attacks he becomes a huge headache for your opponent.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.6

135 Raised by Wolves

I am very interested to actually play with this card in limited as I cannot quite figure out if it is good enough or just a trap in wolves clothing.  Just remember that if a wolf dies after your  enchanted creature has been dealt damage, it could also die since it will shrink in size.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.0

136 Satyr Wayfinder

Another card that puts stuff in your graveyard, the recursion deck looks fun.  This can get any land card not just a basic.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 2.0

137 Scourge of Skola Vale

I want this baby hydra to be good, but having to tap to activate its growth mechanic eliminates the ability to use it as an offensive combat trick.  Basically if your opponent is smart this guy just turns into a flagbearer and forces them to kill this instead of the target they want to kill.  Which is not the worst.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 3.0

138 Setessan Oathsworn

Think of this a green version of Wingsteed Rider.  After just a couple of targets this thing will be huge.

Standard – 1.5
Limited – 3.0

139 Setessan Starbreaker

Starbreaker is really good.  The ability to get rid of a bestow is huge.  Getting a 2/1 for your troubles is pure gravy.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.5

140 Skyreaping

Most fliers in this format have four toughness, getting four devotion in green is not a difficult feat.  This will be one of the better sideboard cards in Theros limited.  It might even be strong enough to see some sideboard play in green devotion decks in constructed.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 2.5

Standard -
141 Snake of the Golden Grove

You will almost always gain four life when you cast this spell.  It isn’t the worst but it is far from the best five drop in green.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.0

142 Swordwise Centaur

GG is a pretty demanding mana cost to cast on curve.  Unless you are devoted to green, I would try to find easier to cast two drops to play.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.0

143 Unravel the Aether

Deglamer reprinted with a new name.  It will sometimes be your 23rd card and that is ok, plenty of things to target with it.  Deglamer has seen sideboard play in modern as an answer to Wurmcoil Engine, I can see decks using this in their sideboards in standard to deal with Gods.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 2.5

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