Saturday, September 6, 2014

Team Fanatix and the 2014 Store Championship Series

Are you ready for Team Fanatix?

Ever thought to yourself that you have what it takes to compete at the big SCG Opens and PTQs but just didn't quite have the funds to travel for them? 

Well "MTG Team Fanatix" is setting out to change all that for its members.

BUT WAIT, How do I earn a spot on the team?  

Two factors will determine your placement in the team. 

1.) Maintaining a positive attitude and great sportsmanship.
2.) Consistently placing in the top 8 of Fanatix MTG events.

That's where the Fanatix Store Championship Series comes in.

Starting on 9-12-2014 your placement in all Wizards events earns you points. Those points calculate through out the remaining year. On New Year's day, Fanatix will announce the final standings of the championship and the first ever members of the official MTG TEAM FANATIX.

HEY COOL, What do I get for being on the team?

  • Fanatix Team Shirt
  • Hotel and Travel assistance to tournaments.
  • Access and opportunity to contribute to the blog.

What if I miss the cut off by a few points?!?!

You will be placed on our secondary team, you'll receive a T-Shirt and opportunity to fill in if any team member cannot make it to an event.

Best of luck to all of you, and I really hope to create a team that stands out on the road for our competitiveness and great attitudes.