Thursday, January 30, 2014

Born of the Gods - White Review

1 Acolyte’s Reward

This card can generate a whole lot of reward if played at the right time.  Sadly this card is probably only fringe constructed worthy all the other varieties of this type have not quite made the leap to playability.  In limited this card is going to probably slay a lot of monsters.
Standard – 2.0
Limited – 2.5

2 Akroan Phalanx

Hill Giants are generally not good enough for constructed, this one follows suit.  I am not sure that there is a deck type in limited that is really interested in this guy, should be a fairly late pick.  Not to say that this guy is terrible, just that the format would have to really slow down for him to make the cut in a typical Boros build.
Standard – 1.0
Limited – 2.0

3 Akroan Skyguard

I am not sure how well a 1/1 can actually guard anything, but that being said I think that Wingsteed Rider Jr will be a fine inclusion in any heroic deck in limited.  Two mana 1/1s not named Squadron Hawk shouldn’t be included in your sixty card decks.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 3.0

4 Archetype of Courage

Interesting thing to note about all of the Archetypes if both players have the same one out, neither players creatures will have the relevant ability.  All of the Archetypes are pretty sweet in limited, except the Green one.  I would not be surprised if someone finds the courage to jam this guy in a constructed deck.  First Strike is a relevant combat ability.  Could be this finds a home in some sort of Heliod strategy.

Standard – 2.5
Limited – 3.0

5 Brimaz, King of Oreskos

Ah so here we have the King of the Pre-Order.  Brimaz finds himself in a particularly sweet spot for Standard.  Doom Blade/Ultimate Price and to some degree Mizzium Mortars have fallen in popularity, leaving him only vulnerable to Hero’s Downfall and Detention Sphere as removal spells that are played in numbers to deal with him.  He deftly dodges Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow.  Will he maintain his current high price tag?  Most likely not as I think he will shake out to be a 2 of in the decks that want him due to his Legendary status.

Standard – 3.5
Limited – 4.0

6 Dawn to Dusk

Will do work in Limited, possibly remotely could see play in the Zur Modern deck.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 2.0

7 Eidolon of Countless Battles

Interesting card, is going to be pretty solid in Limited.  Not sure that he is quite impactful enough to make the cut for constructed.  That being said I am sure that he will be tried.  I just think that at the end of the day he does not give enough bang for the buck.

Standard – 2.0
Limited 2.5 maybe a 3.0

8 Elite Skirmisher

Heroic hasn’t made an impact on constructed and I do not think that this guy will change that.  Tappers are generally pretty sweet in limited.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 2.0

9 Ephara’s Radiance

Limited playable as an Inspiration enabler, combos with the Oresko Sun Guide to gain 5 life per turn, and if you wanted to go really deep add in the Sunbond for the +1/+1 counterpalooza.  More than likely though this shouldn’t make the cut in most limited decks.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 1.5

10 Excoriate

Solid limited removal.  Better than Divine Verdict, as you don't have to awkwardly represent it.  Can also get rid of pesky utility creatures that never attack.

Standard - 0.0
Limited – 3.0

11 Fated Retribution

This is a tough one.   Seven is a whole lot of mana, but this card packs a whole lot of punch.  Clearing the board of Creatures and Planeswalkers is quite a beating, however most decks that would be interested in this have their own Planeswalkers.   I could imagine a deck mizing one of these in a control shell, but not much more than that.  Instant speed sweepers in limited are just insane.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 3.0

12 Ghostblade Eidolon

High Bestow cost will keep this spirit at rest in constructed.  Limited this guy will most likely prove to be very hit or miss much like Two-Headed Cerberus.

Standard – 0.0
Limited -1.5

13 Glimpse the Sun God

When this card resolves, you have most likely just won the game.  It might see constructed play after Brave the Elements leaves us.  Until then it will just have to be happy winning limited games.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 3.0

14 God-Favored General

Obviously only a limited card here, but part of an interesting cycle that I am not sure how good they actually are.  Turn 2 I cast this guy.  Turn 3 I am going to have to suit him up with something so he can attack, an Ordeal only makes him a 2/2 and gets easily traded off at that point. Even if we are successful in the attack we get to spend our fourth turn paying 2W and making a pair of 1/1s.  I am just not sold that it is good enough.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 1.5

15 Great Hart

When you need a Pillarfield Ox, you need a Pillarfield Ox.  Take Hart there is one for you to get now.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 1.5

16 Griffin Dreamfinder

It takes a special sort of 1/4 to see constructed play.  This guy isn’t that sort of special.  Rebuying a completed Ordeal does seem sort of sweet.  Combos somewhat with Commune with the Gods.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 1.5

17 Hero of Iroas

Now this is a constructed worthy Heroic card.  I like to imagine this guy’s name is Macklemore cause he certainly is thrifty.  Could make for an explosive if not fragile start to a GW Hexproof deck:  Turn 3 you can cast Unflinching Courage giving you a 5/5 and follow that up with Ethereal Armor and swing with a 8/8 First Strike Trampling Life Link value shopper.  In Limited I just want to live the dream and triple Ordeal this guy on turn 3.

Standard – 2.5
Limited – 3.5

18 Hold at Bay

People love these cards, they shouldn’t

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 1.0

19 Loyal Pegasus

Ah War Falcon, how you have been missed.

Standard – 1.5
Limited – 2.0

20 Mortal’s Ardor

Seems to be part of a loose cycle of combat tricks for the set.   My gut tells me that it is often going to be that twenty-fourth card a lot of the times.

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 1.5

21 Nyxborn Shieldmate

One of the best ways to get some easy wins in Theros limited was simply the old one drop into Ordeal.  This meant that often you would run Yoked Ox in your beat down decks.  This guy gives you that sweet curve and later in the game can be used to trigger heroic and give a minor boost at a cheap price.  Very solid and flexible card.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 2.5

22 Oreskos Sun Guide

Filling out your curve in limited is very important, now you won’t have to spend as much time listening that the Traveling Philosopher. 

Standard – 0.0
Limited – 2.0

23 Ornitharch

Not constructed worthy, but is a very interesting limited card.  No matter what your opponent chooses you get five power of flying on the field.  Letting your opponent control what your cards actually do is always scary, but there isn’t that much downside here.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 2.5

24 Plea for Guidance

Too expensive for constructed, most likely fine for EDH.  I am not sure if this is cheap enough to be relevant in limited.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 1.5

25 Revoke Existence

This will be in many many many sideboards as long as Gods are running around Standard.  The existence of this card will put a lot of pressure on the God based devotion decks to not be so reliant on their deities.  I am actually a little shocked that WoTC would print such an efficient hoser card in the enchantment set.  I would have thought that if this needed to be reprinted it would have made it into M15.

Standard – 2.5
Limited – 3.0

26 Silent Sentinel

This is a very strong effect on a fairly big flyer.  Might be priced a little too high to be considered a bomb.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 3.0

27 Spirit of the Labyrinth

Lots has already been written about this guy.  Very good in Brainstorm formats.  In more fair environments it’s just more of a nuisance card.  If control makes a return this guy will see more play in Standard, it blanks Divination, makes Underworld Connections a bit more awkward to play.  This guy might rate a sideboard card spot in Modern vs combo decks.

Standard – 2.0 to 3.0
Limited – 2.0

28 Sunbond

I am sure that I will get destroyed by this card at some point or another.  But I just don’t see myself playing it outside of the rarest of situations.

Standard – 1.0
Limited – 1.5

29 Vanguard of Brimaz

This is a solid card and what I would expect out of a WW costed card.  If there is ever a heroic deck in standard I have no doubts this will be a part of it.  This card will find a home in the GW RW limited decks with ease.

Standard – 2.0
Limited – 2.5

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